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Comment vous êtes vous rencontrés ???

Bonjour les amis, j'espère que vous avez passé un bon weekend ;)?? J'etais entrain de feuilleter dans mes bouquins et je suis tombée sur un bon vieux bouquin d'anglais et surtout sur un topic magnifique ;) How we met ??
Allez je vous file deux belles histoires d'amour, très agréable à lire ;)

Oliver and Wendy MINT

Well,it was five years ago. A Sunday evening five yeras ago. I was in the bath and the radio was on. Er... I always listen to pop music in the bath. Suddenly i heard this voice, the disc jockey's voice. It was beautiful, really beautiful. Warm and friendly. I thought, 'Oh! what a lovely voice!'
I think i feel in love then, with his voice. Well, i listened to the end of the programme and i heard his name,'Oliver Mint' I loved the name, too. Well, er... usually i'm quite shy, but this time i wasn't. I went to the telephone and i rang the radio station. I couldn't believe it! suddenly
there was his voice on the telephone! and we talked and talked, for about half an hour. And he said, 'Where do you live?' so i told him, and then he said, 'Can we meet? 'And i said 'yes, please!' so we met in an italian restaurant the next evening. I was so nervous, but it was wonderful! we got married a month later and now we have a lovely baby boy. He's nearly two !!!

Trevor and Astrid RICHARDS
Well, i have a baker's shop. I make all the bread an cakes for it. And one day... it was a very hot day in summer, er... the summer of 1976, and it was lunchtime and er... this beautiful girl came into the shop. She was with some friends and i could hear that they weren't English, but they
spoke English very well and er... they all bought sandwiches and went to the park. Well, i couldn't forget her. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, her blue, blue eyes. I waited and watched every lunchtime but she didn't come back into the shop. Then suddenly, there she was again,and so i said, 'Hello again. You're still in England, then?' And she said,' Yes, But this is my last day. I go back to Sweden tomorrow.' And she smiled. Now, usually i'm shy, but i took a small pink cake and i wrote i love you on it. And when she asked for a chiken sandwich, i looked into the blue, the blue eyes and i gave her the cake ! she laughed and said, 'i didn't know English men were so romantic!' 'well, after that she went back to Sweden, but we wrote letters and in 1978 we got married. Now we work together in the shop and we have three children.

Et vous ?? comment vous êtes vous rencontrés ??? ;)
Bonne début de semaine et vive l'AMOUR :)!!!


Anonyme a dit…
Tes passages sur mon ptt Blog voyageurs sont de radieux rayons de soleil


Fadoua a dit…
C'est un plaisir pour moi cher Rached :)
Anonyme a dit…
Tudo Bem? agradável este site parece bem posicionado.........Boa pinta :/
Muito Bonito faz mais posts deste modo !
Anonyme a dit…
Appreaciate for the work you have done into this post, it helps clear up some questions I had.
Fadoua a dit…
Thx Anonyme.
I'm glad you enjoy it

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